Getting started with Horizon as a developer is really simple. All you need to is follow the QuickStart instructions for Haskell.
These application templates are simple examples of how you might consume a horizon-package set in a nix project, but you are free to roll your own.
For a full list of templates, run:
nix flake show 'git+'
For a basic Haskell template using horizon-advance at GHC 9.12.
mkdir horizon-advance-template
cd horizon-advance-template
nix flake init -t 'git+'
For a basic Haskell template using horizon-platform at GHC 9.8.
mkdir horizon-haskell-template
cd horizon-haskell-template
nix flake init -t 'git+'
For a template using horizon-devtools and the haskell-language-server at GHC 9.6, use the platform-with-devtools
mkdir horizon-haskell-template
cd horizon-haskell-template
nix flake init -t 'git+'
For plutus using horizon-cardano at GHC 9.6
mkdir horizon-cardano-template
cd horizon-cardano-template
nix flake init -t 'git+'
For a template using horizon-hydra at GHC 9.6, providing compatible versions of cardano-node
, cardano-cli
and hydra-node
mkdir horizon-hydra-template
cd horizon-hydra-template
nix flake init -t 'git+'